Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010--One Slow Week!!

How are you guys??? Other than cold? Nanner nanner! I'm glad I'm not in your position! It's been a beautiful, sunny week! It only rained a couple of days. I believe this today we are officially out of hurricane season. I think.

This week has been slow, but fun. We've done a lot of finding. That's when we have our greatest/most hilarious moments. You NEVER know what kind of person is going to answer the door!! We've taken the bus a lot too. I don't know when it was approved by the mission, but we buy bus passes for the month with our missionary funds, and then they reimburse us. I remember that when we tried that in Snapper Creek President hadn't agreed to it yet. Anyway. So we were on the bus the other day and we talk to all sorts of people. We've found so really AWESOME ones! But we were waiting for the bus and Sister Christensen was like, "I don't think anyone is talking to us because of the way we look. Come on, we're three girls, all blonde hair, blue eyes. We have long 'praire' skirts on, and each of us has a bun in our hair. We look like poligamists!!!" Hahaha it was so funny! You probably had to be there, but just think of it.

We've had a slow week investigator wise. We only have one and she isn't in contact with us right now. She's buffed us on 3 appointments and now her mom is in the hospital, so she is focusing on that. It's tough, but we're learning a lot and have set a lot of goals. Oh, on the 18th of November we get to go teach a theology class at one of the local colleges. Reverand Graff has invited us. He said the elders (the assistants) have done it before, but he wants us sisters to do it this time. He likes the sisters better, but we don't know how or why he likes us better. This'll be the first time sisters go. We're excited! I'll let you know how it goes!

Sorry this is such a short email, but I emailed a lot of different people today and there isn't a lot to reprort on.


Love, Sister Denson

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