Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010--I've found the cure!!

Hey guys! Sounds like you've all had a good time this week/weekend. I have too!!!!

My new companion ROCKS! She's actually a temple square sister and she's from Austrailia! Yes, she sounds just like they do in the movies. Lol she has a lot of funny words though.... She got here while I was at home, so she only has three weeks left. She goes back to Salt Lake on December 8th. And we're pretty sure I am getting another Temple Square sister. Should be interesting! I'm excited! She's great though! We are a lot a like and where her weaknesses are are my strengths and vice versa.

It was a great first teaching experience for our companionship to teach Rev. Graf's classes. I can't tell you how much fun it was and how much I learned. Dad, it too will be one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission. You just walk in there with confidence and tell them you purpose and what we have to share. They had a lot of great questions and a couple from each class was really excited to go to

Between that day, teaching and driving all day, packing Monday, p-day Tuesday, Transfers and moving Wednesday our week was pretty much consumed. It was great though. We have had a lot of fun. We live with Hermana Barros and Hermana Guzman. Hermana Barros and I were joking this morning that we've only got 2 foreign sister in the mission and we have both of them. Lol awesome!

Thanksgiving will be interesting this year, being in a singles ward and all. We aren't going to any homes. No one has invited us. We just joke that we're going to go hang out with the IHop workers. Lol it'll be interesting this year.....

Mom, I got the package finally. It's weird that the mail lady didn't catch that you didn't have a zip code on there. But they get a zip code from the computer. Oh well. I got it. My favorite part though was the pictures!!! They are so awesome!!!!! Is that the family one that you are buying? Because I don't like me in it. I look like crap. At least my head. Maybe you could switch mine out?? PLEASE!!!!! The sisters even told me I look way more "laughy" than every one else.....

I bought another Christmas Tree ornament this year. I got it from Macy's, but it's totally Florida appropriate. I'll send if off today.
I found a cure for my hair to become curly. Black girl curlers. My hair was so curly yesterday and STAYED curly!!! I felt like Goldielocks when we first took them out. The best part is is that I sleep with a slumber cap on. Every time we knock on a door and a black girl answers, she has a slumber cap on. It's to help keep their hair looking nice. It doesn't get messed up with one on.

I love you guys! Have a wonderful week!!! LOVE YOU!!

Love Sam

Sister Christensen, Sister Barros, Sister Felton, Sister Denson
Not sure of the Elders

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