Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010--BAPTISMS!!!!!

Hi Guys!

This week has been so fabulous!! We have each (in my companionship) have had the opportunity to apply what we individually learned in zone conference last week and it has definitely helped me grow and has made the continuous transition back a little easier. Does that make sense? I hope so.

Tuesday we had the 2 baptisms of Hannah and Sarah. They are so solid and are both working towards serving missions already!! They came out with us on Friday night and what did we do? Tracting! They were baptized for 3 days and were already out tracting!! It was SO awesome and fun!!!!!! President Hale took Sister Zitting and Sister Crane to a baptism that night (don't ask me why....), so Hermana Lealaogata came to Nova with us and knocked some doors as well. It was a great night!

Last night Hannah came out with us again and we got to teach two awesome girls! Beothie (B. O. T. is how it is pronounced) accepted a date to be baptized on November 23rd. She's excited about the Book of Mormon and to draw closer to God. Yay! Teshea is also excited to read the Book of Mormon and to feel relief. We asked her to describe her feelings after we taught about our modern day prophet and the Book of Mormon. In one word: relieved. Oh my gosh you guys......I LOVE THIS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seeing peoples demeanor and faith change in a matter of less than an hour is such a testimony builder to me! I love what I do and still want to stay out here for the rest of my life..LOL no, but really, I can't wait to share the gospel for the rest of my life!

It was fun to see Corrine yesterday. I was talking to President Hale and she walked up to me and was like, "Hi Sister Denson! I'm your moms friend!" and proceeded to give me a big hug. LOL she is adorable. It was definitely fun to see her and to have some fresh salsa for lunch! It was delicious! Thanks!

Today we are having a change in our companionship :( This has been the plans since transfer day, but it still makes it a little hard. Sister Zitting is going down/back to Hollywood to the ASL program. Sister Barros, who is there now is joining me and Sister Christensen. I love Sister Barros. She reminds me so much of Jessika.

The other day while we were tracting we ran into two young guys. Tyrell and Robert. They were awesome. Robert just wanted a leader for our day specifically. It was so fun for me to teach him about President Monson and how the Church has been restored in it's fullness. He was one that you were able to be so bold with, and he didn't get offended. Tyrell didn't like it so much, but took it well. We set up an appointment for the Nova elders to teach him Sunday at 4. They went over and he had just gotten home from the hospital. His niece was born preemie and was having a hard time breathing. He remembered his appointment with the elders, so he left the hospital to meet with them. It was so cool! The elders asked why he let the missionaries come back to teach him more and his answer was, "Those girls were so bold about the Church and what they knew, so I just figured if you were that bold and honest about it it has to be a good church!" How cool was that???? I don't want to sound arrogant, but it was me that was so up front with him. Go figure. Me? Upfront? Get outta here. LOL but what's that?? I LOVE THIS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have another appointment with him tomorrow at the chapel! I'm so excited for him! He's going to do great things!!!!!

 Devon and Sarah

"Baptismal Boy Band" (LOL the white guy's idea)

A more appropriate picture

Look Mom!! I made them journals just like you made them for me!! Aren't you proud??



I love this work so much and I am so grateful for you guys and supporting me in all I do. Each one of you. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Sister Denson

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