Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010--Isn't Conference AMAZING!?!?

How is everyone???

Isn't Conference just the best ever? I love it! I always took it for granted before I got out here, and I regret it so much! Yes, it is two full days of rebuking, but it is also two full day of loving guidence of how we can become better diciples of our Savior. They were so amazing! I love how so many of the talks were for parents, mothers, and women in general. I love it! I'm so sad it's over. I'm grateful though that I'll be able to apply the teachings to my life when I begin a family. (Since all the talks were toward raising children!)

It sounds like you have had a ton of fun this week! I'm jealous that you got to be in the actually Conference Center. I'll never take Conference for granted again! I promise! I love this sunny weather, but seeing the shots of Temple Square this weekend made me a little homesick. It's a beautiful sunny day in the seventies today though, so I'm over it:)

We had kind of a slow week, so there isn't really a lot to report on. Sorry! Oh, I'll add my pictures of when I got sunburned. Haha they're hilarious. It's all tan now, but that next day the back of my neck stung! Thank heavens for Shade shirts! Oh, and Sunbreeze with lotion! Sister Brown got a little bit of sunburn too and so I showed her that remedy and she loved it!!!

Oh! How could I forget! Last week I told you that we were going to see Tatiana's dad to see if he will sign the papers so that Morena and Fabi could be baptized.... Guess what! He signed them!!!! They're being baptized on Friday and confirmed on Sunday. I'm so excited for them!!! Fabi is the cutest little/kinda big boy ever! I want a little brother now, but only if he is just like him! He's so adorable! He gets embarrassed around me because I just tell him how much I love him and I tell everyone how cool he is. Haha he's so adorable! So, keep them in your prayers! And think about them on Friday! I'll have pictures next week!

I just want you to know how much I love riding the bike! You probably all don't believe me, but I love it! BTW mom, those leggings rock! I have a deep desire now to get a basket for the front. I see so many of them around and I just want one for myself! We went to a bike store the other day to see how much they were and they were $45 to $50!! I was so sad! Google Mack Cycle. They probably have a website. They have the coolest bikes ever! The old school ones with awesome paint jobs. Like lime green with big flowers! I want to trade mine in.

Anyway! I love you all so much! I'm so grateful for all of your support! I'm so grateful that we are all sealed in the Temple together and that we'll all be together forever as long as we keep our sacred covenants!

Love, Sister Denson

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