Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010--I'm so excited to stay!

NOTE from Mom: Sammi seemed to be short on time today for some reason. She sent me her "President's Email" and then we "chatted" via email for a few minutes. Next thing I knew, she said she had to go. So...here are bits and pieces from our "chat" and her President's email. She owes us a long one BIG time!! And pictures!! :)

This week has been good! We only have one investigator right now and we haven't been able to meet with her, so we are souly focusing on our members. We have been able to get into so many homes that I haven't been in since I've been here. It's so great to get to know them and to earn their trust. We've got some referrals from some and we are going to be working with others as they introduce their friends to the gospel. It's so exciting!

I was just thinking the other day that I loved serving in Boca Raton so much and how hard it was for me to leave, but then I realized how much I LOVE this ward and how much I LOVE the members!! They are so fabulous! I love how warm the people are in Boca. They are so easy to get to know, and the members down here are a little harder, but they share the gospel! It's so exciting! They want all their friends to know how their lives are being blessed!! I'm so excited to stay here and to serve with Sister Lealaogata. I feel like I can be myself around her. I don't always have to be worrying what she is thinking of me. Many members have told me how happy I look this transfer and how obvious it is that we get along so well. I feel so happy!!!

I have a couple of questions:

Would you consider putting us in the same district as our elders again? We only see each other on Sundays and I feel like I don't even know them any more. I feel so not unified. I really don't like it.

There is a single man in our ward that wants to take us to dinner. Are we allowed to go to a public restaurant with him before 5?

Thank you so much for everything! I was bummed we weren't able to see you last Thursday! I am so grateful for Heather. I feel like I made a new friend. She is so sweet and I am sad to see her go. I really hope to keep in touch with her when I get home. Of course I wll! Duh, because I'm not going to lose contact with you and Sister Hale! Duh.

Thank you!!!

Love, Sister Denson


Email “chats” with Mom…

Heather did my hair last Thursday and didn't charge me anything. Brat. I tried and tried, but she wouldn't let me. She said it was her going away gift. I'm going to send her a card today and tell her that she better call me when I get home so I can teach her how to sew.

These are the MoTab cd's that I have:

All the ones that you listed plus:


Consider the Lilies (a member burned that one for us this week)

And the two you sent this week. Love them by the way! Thank you so much for them!

Oh, and Christmas Bells. There should be 8 total.

It was so good to talk to Dr. Bean this week. Haha he's totally still the old rough Dr. Bean. My arm has been bothering me more and more lately. I will have it propped up at a desk or doing my hair or riding my bike with the backpack on and it starts turning purple, it's hard to move and it's heavy. He thinks I have Thorasic Outlet Syndrome. Did Sister Welch call you? I have Naproxin because of my shoulders. Remember I would sleep on them and then they would get inflamed. I don't take them regularly (well, now I do.), but I have had them for a really long time. Yes, Carl gave them to me. It's all a circulation problem. She sent me some info on it, but I don't really feel like that is my condition. My blood is pooling in my arm instead of not getting to it like Dr Bean described. He wants me to do the exercises and take the Naproxin for 3 weeks and then email him and let him know how it's going.


Sister Vance is training this transfer. Either Sister Briggs or a Polynesian girl will be her greenie. I bet it will be Sister Briggs. That would rock!!!!! (Note: She’s friends with Bruce & LuAnne Roberts; she’s from Syracuse. Talked to her dad for quite a while on Sunday.)


Investigator: We haven't been able to see Brother and Sister Weidner for a while. They blessed their baby last week. We want to know how Krystal is doing since having the influence of Brother Weidner's parents in town. I know they were a good influence on her, but I don't know how good. I'll let you know when we see them.


I don't know anything about Mothers Day yet. I know whose house we are going to, but I don't know anything else. I'll let you know as soon as we do.

Thank you so much for everything!!! LOVE YOU!!

Love, Sister Denson

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