Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12, 2010--An Amazing Weekend!

Hey guys!! How have all of you been?? Sounds like you guys are having way too much fun on dad's little motorcycle. I knew you wouldn't sell it.... You all like that stuff too much! Haha the pictures of Zack and Mal are great though! It's good to see you both though! Zack.....what's with the facial hair? Gross! Mal.....your hair looks fabulous!!!! I like the flower in it!

This has been an amazing week. We've gotten Fabi and Morena ready for their baptism that we never thought would happen. It was such an amazing day! Make sure to read about it in my email to President. (That email follows this post.)

Call me crazy, but for some reason I have had this desire all transfer to do some yard work! I wanted dirt under my nails, heavy labor and to get sweaty doing it! Of course, like everyone here lives in apartments, so it's been impossible for us to find any. My desire just kept growing. I wanted to serve someone!!! Finally, Friday night at the baptism Sister Le told a sister in the ward that we have been wanting to do it and she was like "Come over tomorrow, I have a whole yard full of weeds!" Perfect! I was so excited! If you look on my big map--look where out apartment is on 107th Ave. We biked from there, up to SW 56 St. all the way east to SW 57 Ave/Red Road, all the way north to Flagler, and then West to SW 60 Ave. It's like 15 miles. Dang, it felt so good! Although, my companion was dying! She was so tired! I thought I was going to be the one to slow her down, but no I was LOVING it! So we finally get there, get changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt and then dive in to literally a full yard of weeds. They don't have hardly any grass, it's all flower beds, so we jumped in and started pulling weeds. The whole project took about 2 1/2 hours. It felt so good! Totally satisfied my craving for yard work! Hahah yeah mom, who knew! This is the second time of yard work! So then we eat dinner with them and it's time to head. I was all for riding back those 15 miles, but Sister Le was really tired and so the members just drove us back home. I was a little bummed, but it's all good. We'll be doing it again. We still have the back yard to do!!!!!! hahaha It was such a fun week!
We are really low on investigators right now. Krystal is the only one we have, so we are working on our members. How we can help them with their missionary work. Its fun Sister Le is so charismatic, so it's easy to get in with the members. I'm still working on being their best friend the first time I meet them. She's a pro.

I'll be staying here in Miami for next transfer. We'll be staying together. President says he really likes us together, so we'll be here for a while. Of course, I have no idea how long that means. Anything could change in a matter of minutes with President.

Thank you so much for everything!! I love you all so darn much! I wish I could express it in words, but it's hard for me!

LOVE, Sister Denson/ Sam

PS I'm so sorry I forgot my camera!!!!

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