Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010--2011??!!??!!

I can't believe this week will be the first of 2011! It's just crazy to me. I remember seeing the dates that I would be serving and 2011 seemed SO far off. I was like, "Oh, this isn't going to fly by...2011 is SO far away!!" Say what??? Yeah, it's in 4 days! It's insane.
I just want to know if/when we are coming back. People are asking me left and right when I am going home and when I am coming back. It's like I have a stamp on my forehead that says, "Leaving Soon!" And I bet it is flashing! It drives me nuts. Oh well, it's part of the package. I want to come back in April/May. That's a beautiful time of year!!
This is for after I get home, but Mom, can you set up a hair appointment for me for right aftre I get home. I'm already in need. Lol Thanks!
Yes, I am being transfered. Remember how I left my heart in Miami? Lol Well, I got it back! I am so grateful for the almost 3 weeks that I've been able to have here. I love the people SO much and I saw a lot of them from the 4th ward that completely changed my life. Gosh,I love them all so much. I love being a missionary!!!!!!
My CTR ring. I really really REALLY want to wear it right now. I don't want to have to wait 6 weeks. Do you think that by the time I sent it home, go it exchanged and got it back it would be like 6 weeks? If so, I'll just wait. I only need it a half size bigger, I'm pretty sure....
I really don't have a lot to report on this week. I just talked to you..... Christmas Day was good. We had lunch with the Tracy's, went home for an hour, went to Aracely's (our RS pres), she's Mexican and we had carne asada for dinner. YUM!!! It was so good!! I love having real latin food! Not from a restaruant....
Remeber the Non-member BYU guy that we taught? Bradley? He's back and we've been teaching him. He's great. Last night his mom invited us over for dinner. Bradley was really nervous, because his parents aren't huge on religion. Well, he was wrong. Lol It was SO great!! They asked us so many questions and they LOVE Mormons. It was so great to finally sit down with them and tell them what it was really like first hand. His dad is so awesome. I just kept telling them to go to Mormon. org, because they're not ready for the elders yet--they're not that interested, but I just know that when his dad sees the website and feels the spirit that he is going to convert! We seriously wouldn't be surprised if his dad joins before Bradley does. Lol That'll totally help with Bradley's conversion though! Yay!!
Well, I hope you have a great week and a happy new year!!
Love you all!
Love, Sister Denson

President's email:

I was TOTALLY shocked last night when Elder Stevens called and told me that I was being transfered. I was for sure that I was staying here this last transfer. Of course I am sad about it, because this is my most favorite area in the mission, but I am also okay with it. It feels natural. No worries, I'm not crying and haven't cried and won't cry. I think the hardest part about leaving will be leaving my companion. I love her with all my heart. She is such a hard worker and she has such a love for being a missionary and such a love for the people. She is so great! I'm so grateful that I at least got these almost 3 weeks with her.
I'm so excited for a new are and a new companion though! It'll be such a great transfer and such a great note to end on!
I love you so much! Happy New Year!!
Love, Sister Denson

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Mom opened her email late Christmas Eve to find this amazing gift. It's PERFECT!!

On Christmas Day, we were able to visit with Sammi via SKYPE. We struggled to get it all set up and working well...her computer sent choppy videos which froze frequently and the microphone wouldn't work. She ended up calling us from the Tracy's house phone to our home phone and we just put it on speaker. It was so great to talk to her, share our stories, see her face, etc. We can't wait for 45 more days!!

These are a couple of pictures we "snapped" in SKYPE. Check our her CURLY hair!!

Sister Denson and Hermana Hendrix

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010--Plans for Christmas Day

Okay, so the plans for Christmas day are this: 1. Not going to the hospital. 2. Sleeping in my own bed. 3. Not getting a pill lodged in my throat. (See last Christmas' excitement here.) 4. Enjoying the beautiful holiday with my companion and the members down here in Miami. Lol Sound good? Oh, and 5. Calling home between noon and one. We can only talk for 40 minutes. And it's okay, I promise. We'll be seeing each other soon enough....

Yeah, It's been feezing down here. I had to buy boots because of my circulation problem. Remember that? IT's been killing me these past couple of weeks. We were doing a booth at one of the local campus' (handing out pass along cards and inviting). That morning though we were in the chapel having our district council and I about froze to death and though my feet were going to fall off. They hurt so bad. I felt like I was in Utah! Ugh! I'm in FLORIDA for crying out loud! So then we went and did this booth. I had thick black tights on, and two pairs of socks. By the end of the two hours I couldn't feel my feet. I'm really glad I bought them though!! I can't imagine what my feet would have felt like in just the little flats that I have. I wore it with my big grey skirt, a sweater and my wool coat. Lol one of the elders that we were with, their investigator, said us sisters looked eligant. Haha sure. We were just miserable and feezing! I'll for sure be able to wear the boots at home. I'm considering wearing them off the plane!! They're so cute though!! Thanks!

I'm sending off the Christmas package today. Its small, just to let you know. Not everyone is getting a gift... I figure I'll get better stuff in February when I have more time.

Question: When are we planning on coming back to visit? Like a million people asked me yesterday when I was going home. It bites, but I'm just glad I'm not freaking out about it and that I'm still focused and obedient. Gotta finish strong!!

If my package doesn't get here by Friday or Saturday DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!! I'll be getting the most for Christmas and Sister Hendrix has some too, but we've already decided that we're going to open ours later in the day in our room together. We don't want to make the others more sad. So it's okay. Really, Dont sweat it. I'm just excited to talk to you all.

I love you all!!! Have a great week!! Talk to you Saturday!

Love, Sister Denson

President's email:
This week has been great. It doesn't show numberswise, but I am still having fun and still fulfilling my purpose. I have such a great companion. She is such a hard worker and she loves the YSA so much! And you're right--she is a GREAT teacher! I am excited to be here with her at this time in each of our missions. She is in a great spot and just has a desire to do her best. I feel like she is having the same experiences I've had on my mission and so it's fun to tell her how I've grown and how the Atonement has helped me.

We have had fun talking to our members all week on how they can rescue their friends and family members. The YSA are so great!! I love being here again with the people that I love SO much!

This holiday season is so great and such a special time to be with these young single adults and to feel of their fire and love for the gospel.

Thank you so much for everything!
Merry Christmas!
Love, Sister Denson

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13, 2010--An Amazing Weekend!

This has been such an amazing weekend! The first part of the week was rough. I found out Monday afternoon that the Nova sisters area was closing. It made me SO sad! Also losing my favorite companion was really hard. There just wasn't enough work going on for two companionships to be there, and since President is short on sisters right now it was my area that was closed. Wednesday night made up for everything though. When President told me where I was going I just about lost it. I love this area with all my heart. It's been my dream to come back down here, but I honestly never thought it would happen. Heavenly Father is SO good to me! It was hard to leave the area, the sisters that I lived with and the elders that I served with, but I just love it down here. I'm home.

Yesterday and Saturday was amazing. We found out it who our guest speaker was when he walked in the door. It was fantastic. Sister Uchtdorf is hilarious and especially with her thick German accent and broken English. Lol when she would get excited she couldn't think of the words in English so President Uchtdorf would have to help her. It was adroable. It was so amazing to hear from a Prophet of God speak directly and specifically to the FL Ft Lauderdale missionaries. He's amazing. And yes, better looking in person. I'm so grateful for his counsel and for that opportunity. I will treasure it always.

We've got some great investigators right now. The week has been crazy, so I'm excited to finally get all settled in today so that we can dive into the work with this new companionship. I love Hermana Hendrix so much! She's great! She's going to be another life long friend.

I'm sorry this email is short. The experience with President Uchtdorf was something very spiritual and sacred and personal to me. I know that he is a man of God and that he is leading and guiding the Church with President Monson and President Eyring only though our Savior.

 Sister Cluff and Sister Denson

Sister Crane and Sister Denson

Not sure who the Elder is but he looks happy to be in this picture! :)

Sister Lealaogata and Sister Denson!!

Sister Hendrix and Sister Denson...new companions!

 Elder Parry and Sister Denson

 Sister Denson, Sister Williams, Sister ??

President's Email:
Hey President-

This has been one crazy week! I've never had such a hard time saying goodbye to a companion as I did with Sister Katterfeld. I love her so much. She's so much more than just a companion to me. She's a life long friend. As you know it was really hard for me to leave Nova. I love the YSA up there, but when I found out I was going back to Snapper Creek all was well :) I absolutely love serving with President Perez and the members down here. The branch has changed so much since I left. I didn't recognized half the people at Sacrament Meeting yesterday, but I'm so excited to get to know them all. Being back in the Kendall chapel was a dream come true. I saw so many members from the 4th ward who have had a HUGE inflence on me. I love them SO much. I really just can't get the smile off my face to be back.

How have I seen the hand of the Lord in my life lately? Putting me back in Snapper Creek, and with one of the most amazing sisters that we have in the mission. I love her so much. We are already going to be great friends and we already work so well together. She's amazing. Something that is huge for me right now and will be for the remainder of my time is the desire to finish strong and obedient. I've only got one chance to be here and to serve Him like this, and so I don't want to have any regrets. I feel like I am "in the middle of my mission." It's great. I'm so grateful for that.

Christmas Conference was spectaular. I loved every minute of it. A very spiritual and sacred memory that I will cherish always.

I love you so much! I'm excited for Wednesday! See you then!

Love, Sister Denson

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Florida Ft. Lauderdale Mission Christmas Devotional

The Florida Ft. Lauderdale Mission welcomes...

President and Sister Uchtdorf!

President Hale & President Uchtdorf
visiting the Ft. Lauderdale temple site.

Christmas Devotional Guests"May you always remember the Sunday evening on a
cool winter night in South Florida when you shook the
hand of a Prophet of God." President Hale

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"God does not call the qualified but He
does qualify those whom He calls."
His remarks concluded by his giving
an Apostolic Blessing to the mission.

Departing Sacrament Meeting; Palm Springs, Miami

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010--It's beginning to FEEL like Christmas! BRR!!

Hey Guys!

Wasn't that Christmas devotional wonderful last night? I absolutely love that President Uchtdorf pulled in the Grinch for us. He would. But He had a very good point about it all. It's so sad to see all the material things down here that people care for. They've got the money, so why not spend it. It's so sad. I'm grateful we get to share the gospel at such a beautiful time of year! Seeing all the Christmas decorations at the conference center last night made me really miss the snow! It's been really chilly down here. Especially for me. Twice this week I was so cold that my bones were hurting me. That's a bad sign.... Friday night I was in a lot of pain. My joints and bones hurt from being so cold. Saturday I could hardly walk because my left hip was just killing me. I took my anti-inflammatory and then had to ask the elders for some Tylenol (they live in the same complex as us). It dulled the pain, but didn't take it all away. I think sending my coat down would be a good idea. We always make fun of the people for wearing parkas, but I definitely need mine. Thanks!! I'm just really REALLY not looking forward to coming home in February of all months. I'm going to FREEZE, if not die.....

Like you see in my email to President we have had a great week! Our investigators are doing great and we have 2 with dates! Crystal, that came to the devotional last night, is outstanding. Sometimes it almost feels too good to be true, ya know...? We just keep praying for her and that everything will go as planned. Allison is going to be a little harder, but I love her SO much! She suffers from depression, so it is going to be more of a rollercoaster ride with her. We're going to help her understand the Atonement so that she can overcome depression. Please keep both of them in your prayers.

Like I also said I lose Sister Katterfeld this week. Tomorrow actually. I love her so so much! We clicked perfectly from the first second we were together. Haha yesterday I let her borrow my white jacket and blue polka dot skirt. I told her I must really love her because I've never let companions borrow my clothes before. Haha I do though! I love her SO much! I don't think she'll be able to call you--same rules apply to her as they do to me--but all you have to do is go to Temple Square and ask one of the other sisters. They'll find her easily for you. That's what I'll be doing in February....

We have our Christmas conference this week. Saturday is more of a migling and lunch and musical program. Sunday we have a special guest coming. They haven't told us who. The only thing they've said is that it's Sister Hales Behives advisor, "and her husband...." Sillies. They said no picture taking though on Sunday. Interesting. It must be like a celebrity or something! Lol...

The last picture is of me and Amber Perez. She is so amazing! I love her so much! She leaves on her mission this Wednesday. Her and Sister Katterfeld are actually on the same flight! She reports to the MTC Dec 15.


Have a GREAT week!!!!

Love, Sister Denson

Sister Katterfeld, Hermana Guzman, Sister Barros

Sister Katterfeld and Sister Denson

Sister Katterfeld, Sister Denson, Hermana Guzman, Sister Barros

Sister Denson and soon-to-be-Sister Perez

President's email: "Miraculous Week"

This has been such an amazing week. We have been working so hard for over a transfer now, with hardly any success. I know that it's all been a trial of my faith and how much I trust in the Lord. This week we were given so many blessings. We got a solid referral from Hollywood North elders a couple of weeks ago and we've taught her 4 times this week. Crystal is her name and she is so prepared. She knows that the Book of Mormon is true already. While we were teaching her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and before we were able to extend a date to her she asked what she has to do and when could she be baptized. It was so exciting! She wasn't able to come to church yesterday, but she came to the fireside and she absolutely loved it. She loved hearing from President Monson and being surrounded by such great young single adults.

Allison is the name of our other investigator. She is the girlfriend of an investigator of the Hollywood North sisters. She is really great and has a lot of faith. Funny thing is that the same thing happened to us when we visited her to extend a baptism date. She beat us to the chase too. And we weren't even behind because it was the first time that we visited her! Lol she feels the spirit so strongly as she meets with us and as we teach her about our Savior and His Atonement. We have great members that are helping so much with fellowshipping.

As you can probably guess I am not ready to give up my companion tomorrow. I love her with all my heart. We've definitely become life long friends. It's going to be especially hard to see her go. I love her so much President. She is such a fabulous missionary and a beautiful daughter of God.

I want to thank you and let you know how much I absolutely love serving in the YSA branch. I love these people so much and I am eternally grateful to be able to serve next to them. My heart and soul is in this work. I love being a missionary and I am fully committed to enduring to the end of my time as a full-time missionary.

I love you so much! I'm so grateful to serve with you!
I'll see you tomorrow.
Love, Sister Denson