Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010--2011??!!??!!

I can't believe this week will be the first of 2011! It's just crazy to me. I remember seeing the dates that I would be serving and 2011 seemed SO far off. I was like, "Oh, this isn't going to fly by...2011 is SO far away!!" Say what??? Yeah, it's in 4 days! It's insane.
I just want to know if/when we are coming back. People are asking me left and right when I am going home and when I am coming back. It's like I have a stamp on my forehead that says, "Leaving Soon!" And I bet it is flashing! It drives me nuts. Oh well, it's part of the package. I want to come back in April/May. That's a beautiful time of year!!
This is for after I get home, but Mom, can you set up a hair appointment for me for right aftre I get home. I'm already in need. Lol Thanks!
Yes, I am being transfered. Remember how I left my heart in Miami? Lol Well, I got it back! I am so grateful for the almost 3 weeks that I've been able to have here. I love the people SO much and I saw a lot of them from the 4th ward that completely changed my life. Gosh,I love them all so much. I love being a missionary!!!!!!
My CTR ring. I really really REALLY want to wear it right now. I don't want to have to wait 6 weeks. Do you think that by the time I sent it home, go it exchanged and got it back it would be like 6 weeks? If so, I'll just wait. I only need it a half size bigger, I'm pretty sure....
I really don't have a lot to report on this week. I just talked to you..... Christmas Day was good. We had lunch with the Tracy's, went home for an hour, went to Aracely's (our RS pres), she's Mexican and we had carne asada for dinner. YUM!!! It was so good!! I love having real latin food! Not from a restaruant....
Remeber the Non-member BYU guy that we taught? Bradley? He's back and we've been teaching him. He's great. Last night his mom invited us over for dinner. Bradley was really nervous, because his parents aren't huge on religion. Well, he was wrong. Lol It was SO great!! They asked us so many questions and they LOVE Mormons. It was so great to finally sit down with them and tell them what it was really like first hand. His dad is so awesome. I just kept telling them to go to Mormon. org, because they're not ready for the elders yet--they're not that interested, but I just know that when his dad sees the website and feels the spirit that he is going to convert! We seriously wouldn't be surprised if his dad joins before Bradley does. Lol That'll totally help with Bradley's conversion though! Yay!!
Well, I hope you have a great week and a happy new year!!
Love you all!
Love, Sister Denson

President's email:

I was TOTALLY shocked last night when Elder Stevens called and told me that I was being transfered. I was for sure that I was staying here this last transfer. Of course I am sad about it, because this is my most favorite area in the mission, but I am also okay with it. It feels natural. No worries, I'm not crying and haven't cried and won't cry. I think the hardest part about leaving will be leaving my companion. I love her with all my heart. She is such a hard worker and she has such a love for being a missionary and such a love for the people. She is so great! I'm so grateful that I at least got these almost 3 weeks with her.
I'm so excited for a new are and a new companion though! It'll be such a great transfer and such a great note to end on!
I love you so much! Happy New Year!!
Love, Sister Denson

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