Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010--Transfer 11

Hey guys!!
How is everything going? Good I hope! I'm doing really good! It feels so good to be back! I LOVE SOUTH FLORIDA!!! And I am so happy to be back in YSA!!! At dinner on Tuesday night President asked, "So Sister Denson, now that you have served all over the mission, if you could go to any area what would it be?" I was like, "You're going to be mad at me for this, but I want to go back to a YSA area. Specifically Miami Beach, but I'd go to any of the three of them." Haha I bet him and the assistants got a good chuckle at that. Lol Wednesday morning as we were getting ready President sent a text that told me to leave all my stuff in the apartment. Aweosme! I was so happy! I still am! We cover the whole stake, which is huge and sort of the Weston ward. They set up appointments and let us know when they are, so then we just show up to them. They aren't good about missionary work and depend completely on the missionaries. Not until they start doing their part will they President put missionaries back in. So mom, tell Corinne to call us when she gets here. We'll see if we can meet up. I only want one thing. A zip up jacket. Not a heavy one Just for at night. It gets a little chilly. Maybe my black cardigan too. Thanks!

Oh, I actually have 2 companions! We got Sister Christensen yesterday afternoon. And then Sister Zitting will be leaving us in a couple of weeks to go down to Hollywood (Where Sister C came from) and Hermana Barros will come up here with us. But yes, we we will have a lot of responsibility.

I can't tell you how great I feel physicallly!! My back has not given us one problem yet!! I stretch each morning and it feels great! I hurt on Wednesday because I forgot my anti-inflammatory, but had it by Thursday. Thanks mom!!! I also had a migraine on Wednesday because I was seriously ridiculously overwhelmed. We got home, I got settled a little and then took a Relpax. We were out shortly after that. So we were totally fine.

We had a multi-stake YSA fireside on Sunday night, and I was able to see so many of the ysa that I love from all over. It definitely boosted my spirt! It's been harder than I thought to get back into the groove of things, but Heavenly Father is helping me so much!

I forgot one thing though: I printed some pictures of a lot of us girls, but I can't find them. I must have left them in my room. I have the second batch, like from Conference and stuff, but not the others. Can you see if they are in my room? Thanks!

I love being back and being a full time missionary again. It feels so good!

We have some great investigators right now.

Sarah, 19: She's SOLID. She's getting baptized a week from today. She's so amazing. Keeps allof her commitments and she teaches us each time we see her. It's amazing. Her mom is in Haiti and is not happy about her choice, but Sarah knows that she has to get baptized. She's great! She's counting down the days til her 21st birthday so she can serve a mission!! I love her so much!

Hannah, 21: She's getting baptized November 6th, but we know as soon as she sees Sarah get baptized that she won't want to wait until November. Lol! She loves Sister Zitting so much! I'm a little nervous though because I am not going to baby her as much as Sister Zitting has when she leaves. We're not supposed to.

Well, I have to go! I love you guys so much! Thank you for all your support and love that you have for me! It means the world to me. I know that I was supposed to be in Utah for that transfer and I know that I am to be back here for the remainder of my mission. I feel very at peace about it. I love you with all my heart!!

Love, Sister Denson!
Sister Christensen, Sister Denson, Sister Zitting

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